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5. What would be the extent of a barrier? [G/LW]

The barrier and/or bund is likely to be 100 – 150m long (assumed bund 2-3m high), perpendicular to the slope contours.

We do not consider a wall/barrier a technically feasible option at present.

It is unlikely to be suitable to construct a soil/earth bund feature on the slope above the school for long term protection due to stability issues.

A bund would need to be designed and include adequate drainage for long term stability. If an engineered bund were to be created on the school site and be situated between the Quarry Spoil Tip and the 12 residential houses, the anticipated damage to residential houses would be lowered, and we would assume that little damage would occur.

Detailed design and planning require detailed input and consultation and will need to incorporate some risk mitigation measures for properties downslope of the school.